Two days only partially spent on debug-me..
Yesterday a few small improvements, but mostly I discovered the posix-pty library, and converted debug-me to use it rather than wrangling ptys itself. Which was nice because it let me fix resizing. However, the library had a bug with how it initializes the terminal, and investigating and working around that bug used up too much time. Oh well, probably still worth it.
Today, made debug-me serialize to and from JSON.
{"signature":{"v":""},"prevActivity":null,"activity":{"seenData":{"v":">>> debug-me session starting\r\n"}}}
{"signature":{"v":""},"prevActivity":{"hashValue":{"v":"fb4401a717f86958747d34f98c079eaa811d8af7d22e977d733f1b9e091073a6"},"hashMethod":"SHA256"},"activity":{"seenData":{"v":"$ "}}}
{"signature":{"v":""},"prevActivity":{"hashValue":{"v":"cc97177983767a5ab490d63593011161e2bd4ac2fe00195692f965810e6cf3bf"},"hashMethod":"SHA256"},"activity":{"seenData":{"v":"AGPL\t Pty.hs Types.hs\t debug-me.cabal dist\r\nCmdLine.hs Setup.hs Val.hs\t debug-me.hs\t stack.yaml\r\n"}}}
That's a pretty verbose way of saying: I typed "ls" and saw the list of files. But it compresses well. Each packet for a single keystroke will take only 37 bytes to transmit as part of a compressed stream of JSON, and 32 of those bytes are needed for the SHA256 hash. So, this is probably good enough to use as debug-me's wire format.
(Some more bytes will be needed once the signature field is not empty..)
It's also a good logging format, and can be easily analized to eg, prove when a person used debug-me to do something bad.
Wrote a quick visualizor for debug-me logs using graphviz. This will be super useful for debug-me development if nothing else.