at anna's

Dinner at Anna's, I had a nice dish of Lad Na. Hung out afterwards and fought with automount and DVD stuff in Ubuntu. I don't want this post to be a rant about desktops, Ubuntu, or gnome. Suffice to say that I'm much happier with the technology of the zero-degree sleeping bag that's keeping me nice and warm camping in the woods tonight, despite a wet foot from the scary creek crossing I took three times today with my laptop in tow.


I've been a bit feverish and fragile this weekend, nothing serious, but not good for much besides reading a lot of fiction. Two books totaling some 700 pages last night alone.. That and February insomnia have been keeping me up later than is wise.


Two random blog-worthy observations about hospitals after the first night I've ever spent in one..

At least my local hospital has a simple social engineering security hole that could allow an attacker to be treated without ever being billed. No CVE ID has been assigned, and this hole has not been exploited in the wild. :-P

They're awfully social places for we introverts for whom prolonged (and indeed, unrelenting) polite social interaction tends to be a drain.

Anyway, I'm feeling better aside from a tendency to write "hotel" when I mean "hospital" and "evil-midnight-nose-wiring-demons" when I mean "nurses".



Today's xkcd reminds me that about 15 pounds of grapefruit into this year, I tried to calculate how many I could eat a day, if I were to do were peel and eat grapefruit, all day. I may have been trying to figure out if it is possible to live on a pure grapefruit diet. I remember arriving at a figure around 70.

My actual daily consumption at the height of grapefruit season is 3 to 5. It's become my favorite winter fruit and quite puts one off nasty sweet oranges. There's a trick to both the peeling and the eating of grapefruit which the xkcd guy has apparently never learned, that avoids the healhful skin and leaves only the delicious tart flavour droplets behind.

I'm available for lessons, the first 2 or 3 weeks that the Texas ruby reds are in season.

(Of course as wrong as Randall is about grapefruit, he's 5 million times as wrong about a proper tomato..)

