how to publish git repos that cannot be republished to github

So here's an interesting thing. Certain commit hashes are rapidly heading toward being illegal on Github.

So, if you clone a git repo from somewhere else, you had better be wary of pushing it to Github. Because if it happened to contain one of those hashes, that could get you banned from Github. Which, as we know, is your resume.

Now here's another interesting thing. It's entirely possible for me to add one of those commit hashes to any of my repos, which of course, I self host. I can do it without adding any of the content which Github/Microsoft, as a RIAA member, wishes to suppress.

When you clone the my repo, here's how it looks:

# git log
commit 1fff890c0980a72d669aaffe9b13a7a077c33ecf (HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD)
Author: Joey Hess <>
Date:   Mon Nov 2 18:29:17 2020 -0400

    remove submodule

commit 8864d5c1182dccdd1cfc9ee6e5d694ae3c70e7af
Author: Joey Hess <>
Date:   Mon Nov 2 18:29:00 2020 -0400

# git ls-tree HEAD^
160000 commit b5[redacted cuz DMCA+Nov 3 = too much]    back up your cat videos with this
100644 blob 45b983be36b73c0788dc9cbcb76cbb80fc7bb057    hello

I did this by adding a submodule in one commit, without committing the .gitmodules file, and them removing the submodule in a subsequent commit.

What would then happen if you cloned my git repo and pushed it to Github?

The next person to complain at me about my not having published one of my git repos to Github, and how annoying it is that they have to clone it from somewhere else in order to push their own fork of it to Github, and how no, I would not be perpertuating Github's monopolism in doing so, and anyway, Github's monopoloy is not so bad actually ...

printf "Enter the url of the illegal repo, Citizen: "
read wha
git submodule add "$wha" wha
git rm .gitmodules
git commit -m wha
git rm wha
git commit -m wha