Yahoo Groups being shut down and the data deleted is a big enough story that it's being talked about on the radio. The typical presentation is that they're deleting these mailing list archives, and blocking attempts to save them and so huge amount of things will be lost from the historical record.

That's a common story these days, but it's not entirely accurate in this case. These are mailing lists, so they're not necessarily only archived by Yahoo. Anyone who subscribed to a mailing list may have archived it. I've been on a couple of those mailing lists, and the emails I kept from them are already archived rather well (10+ copies). I probably didn't keep every email, and I probably won't be exhuming those emails to add them to some large collection of Yahoo Groups. But multiply all the people who subscribed to these lists by all the traffic to them, by the probability that people keep copies of mailing list mails, and there's a huge, well-distributed archive of Yahoo Groups out there.

That ensures some of it will survive in the historical record, probably enough to satisfy a historian.

Probably even after Gmail and the other cloud mail services shut down and delete all their archives.

Previously: I am ArchiveTeam (but not speaking for them above)