fun with debian-cd

Not something I often have, like most everyone who's used it, I generally dislike working with debian-cd. Last night I must have been in a strange frame of mind -- or perhaps really the hard work had been done in setting up my local mirror, getting a good beefy machine to run it on, modifying debian-cd so it could build just the first CD, and getting fully acqcuainted with it. But just a few hours of fiddling, and no more than two coasters and a dozen builds, I finally produced a full size sarge CD that I'm quite happy with.

The official sarge CD #1 has so far been approximatly useless; it's not worked as well as the netinsts, and when you're done you'd get the choice to install a mail server, or a file server. No useful tasks, no desktop, it seemed we couldn't fit anything on there. Last night I realised that all the task information in debian-cd was out of date, so I regenerated it, and made lots of little tweaks. The new CD has every task in it, and does a good job of setting up the desktop, and contains pretty much everything else I'd hope for on the main Debian CD for sarge. This weekend's official build should be the same, and I think we'll finally be able to include a full CD in a d-i release.