There's a photo of me going around the interwebs with a strange caption that misses what was going on. The real story is, after my notebook's power supply died, I tried out this other weird notebook that Google had obtained, apparently from some alternate universe, and was giving away at the conference.

It was very nice and small, and had impressive touch-screen data-entry technology (though I kept losing the stylus), and amazing battery power. Seems the data I put it in might stick around for a good hundred years, without any recharging. I was happy to not have to hook a clunky British power adapter up to it. It was also impressively easy to enter arbitrary unicode character such as BOPOMOFO LETTER EH, RUNIC TVIMADUR SYMBOL, and THING I SCRIBBLED DURING BORING PRESENTATION WITH CEDILLA BELOW.

Downsides: No wifi or other network (didn't check GSM), very limited storage space (only a few dozen Kibobytes I think), an atrocious text editor that made moving text around way too hard, and had a really bad font, difficulty deleting things (the obvious way to delete something often accidentially removed nearby files as well -- and didn't actually regain any storage space), and very limited encryption (best I could get out it was rot-13). On the network front, there is apparently some "Postal Mail" app that can be used to send mail, but it can take like, weeks, and charges per message. And yeah, no solitare at all, though there was this hangman app.

All in all, I was happy to get my Fujitsu back, though I might hold onto this Google notebook thing for emergencies. Won't be porting d-i to it anytime soon though.