guilty pleasures

Well, I can't post this blog entry without admitting to one guilty pleasure of mine, which is watching the Veronica Mars tv show. I feel guilty about it because it's such a stereotypical LA high school type TV program. Cliques, nerds, fancy cars, girl detectives, it's hard to admit to watching it, and yet we also have some good characters and mysteries, and some great narratives, and what seems (to this old fart) to be a pretty accurate depiction of how kids these days use technology from cell phones to the internet. So I enjoy the show.

Anyway, I was pleasently suprised by a bit of dialog in yesterday's episode that started out like this, and went on to a spot-on bit of Linux vs. OS X advocacy:

Wait, how can you even have an opinion on Ubuntu if you haven't tried it? 2.6 kernel, live CD, they even had Gnome 2.0 the day warty warthog came out!

I won't claim Ubuntu as a guilty pleasure of mine; in fact I have some concerns along the lines of what Ian Murdock couragiously raised (and has been quite unfairly flamed over). All the same, it's Debian based, it uses my installer, I'd recommend it to any high school kid who's into tech.

So, big props to all the Ubuntu guys for breaking out into the mainstream like this!