halloween release?

The other day I got really frustrated with the d-i release treadmill, as previously documented in this blog here and here. I had to go out to the farm and spend some time offline, which worked pretty well, at least I was no longer snapping at people today for their honest mistakes (and mine).

I was slowly downloading some fun halloween songs when I finally realized that the d-i release is scheduled for effectively Halloween (or a few days before if we're lucky). I don't think I'll put any ghosts and goblins in the installer, but maybe we can do something fun with this.

It's a pity that Debian itself seems nowhere near releasing sarge, blocked by security infrastructure (much as the woody release was blocked for a long time) and by the regular RC bug count. I feel that we've lost momentum again. Keeping that momentum going, keeping the whole project focused on a release is probably one of the hardest jobs of our release managers.