life update

Half a week left on the month of getting up early and going into the office. I'm suprised to find myself not much minding the getting up at 8, although I blew it this weekend and returned to my typical sleep(-till-eleven) cycle.

After a lot of uncertainty, I am going to Oldenburg once again this year; flying out next Sunday and driving over from Amsterdam with fjp.

I also probably have a job again. "Probably" since it's signed off on but I'm not formally hired yet. I'm finally going to get to do some work on embedded systems, while still using Debian, so lots of interesting challenges and work to do.

I had to make a tough call on this one and opt for working part time instead of full time, since full time would have meant having to drop at least one of my long-term projects.

I'm being drawn back inexoriably to the farm. The thought of another freezing and/or smokey winter, sunset at 4 and no running water till you break the ice in the creak seems somehow appealing -- or maybe it's just a need to be back in the stillness of a winter night with all the stars out and it freezing cold and the outhouse waiting way down thar. Anyway, looks like I'll be able to stay again, if I dare.

I want to build a sauna.