national wireless

Inspired by an article on using bluetooth with T-Mobile for nationwide wireless internet access, and having thought about doing some road-tripping, I was all set to go sign up, until I found that T-Mobile doesn't really cover most of the southeastern US. Drat.

It seems that Verison does cover where I live, as well as most of the area covered by T-mobile. They have two networks, a slowish one and a new fast one in major cities. It may be possible to do the bluetooth cell phone trick with them too, but I'm more attracted to the pcmcia cards that connect to their network because a) no extra battery or device needed b) I hate phones c) laptop doesn't have bluetooth anyway. The Air Prime 5220 works with linux, indeed I'm having flashbacks to the way Ricochet worked with linux, same pseuso-serial interface. Only problem is my current laptop doesn't do cardbus either, IIRC, so won't work with this card. The Sierra Wireless Aircard 555D works similarly and appears to not be cardbus.

Update: The lower cost route is apparently to get a phone and a usb cable, and a rate plan that provides free weekend and evening minutes. Data access is apparently charged the same as voice access with such a plan. Instructions for one phone which will work with linux.

Any advice in this area from someone who has nationwide internet access working in the US is appreciated.