new system

I got the cheapest computer available at $LOCAL_CHAIN_COMPUTER_STORE today, and it works fine with d-i (installation report filed, of couse). 2 hours from unpacking the box to typing this blog entry in X on a system with my standard config, most of that time was spent learning how ps/2 mouses work in 2.6, working out just how crappy $RAMDOM_MONITOR_THAT_SOMEONE_LEFT_IN_MY_HOUSE is, and downloading debs and svn checkouts. I threw my regular host-naming scheme, such as it is, away for this one. This system is the first new computer I've bought in 2 years, and the first new desktop computer I've bought since approximatly 1998. It will serve as a temporary server for the house, and workstation, until the real server arrives, then it will be a workstation and d-i test system.