next debconf

Only 5 months until the next DebConf, in Oaxtepec MX this time. As I read tonight the very well done Final Report for DebConf5, and remember that excellent conference I am already looking forward to the next one.

I've been thinking about driving down from Virginis to Oaxtepec instead of flying in. It's a long drive, but maybe I could stop at a few DD's houses and/or travel down with some. In fact, I hope we get a lot of American DDs who have not been able to make recent DebConfs now that it's so relatively near to home.

So, time to think about any talks I'd like to give there. The absolute best talk at DebConf5, the one I would most like to emulate, was Enrico's polygen extravaganza. The key things were that a) Dr. Zini rules b) it was a simple talk introducing us to something fun c) large quantities of running code were written on the projector during the talk.

I might try to emulate the parts that I can (without taking Enrico-emulation medication) to some degree in one talk, if I can just find the right subject. Since I hate writing papers for talks, I also got an idea for a way to use a talk time slot that will be impossible to write a paper for before time. Gotta hurry, since it turns out talk submission closes amazingly soon: On the 6th!