re: ubuntu

Norbert seems to miss a few of the things I said in my post about Ubuntu, including the fact that I can understand why DDs would use Ubuntu despite it annoying me. Perhaps being annoyingHHHed is my natural state; your post didn't help.

Oddly, the reason he gives for using Ubuntu, a release and security support, is not one of the reasons I'd have considered. You see, we're released sarge too, several times, with each release being better than the last and the most recent (rc 1) being quite good. Perhaps most don't consider d-i betas to be true Debian releases, but I do. As to the security support, please consider sarge to be security supported from here through its release; these things are being tracked, and fixes are being expidited, and currently of every DSA since woody was released, only 5 are not in sarge yet (bear in mind that there have been 7 DSAs this week alone).

There's a good possibility that some of your old preconceptions about security support for testing will need to be reexamined after sarge is released too, BTW.