
Now I have rss feeding into email using rss2email. I looked at toursst, but it didn't convert html to text, so hacking rss2email was an easier option. Also, rss2email sends directly to a SMTP server, while toursst writes to a maildir.

Hmm, I suppose I must have learned at least some python by now, since I had no real trouble fixing rss2email to use a dotfile for configuration instead of coding values in the script, and similar things necessary for a debian package. Not suprising, I learned C, shell, and even I suppose perl (deep in the mists of time) in much the same way. Guess this means I'll have to go back and fill in the holes eventually by reading some documentation though.

Anyway, the Debian package will be available soon if I get a copyright clarification on a few dozen lines of code.