
This year I've experienced something like 300 late nights, and only about 5 sunrises. I was jetlagged, up too early, or otherwise screwed up for most of those sunrises. I love the deep quiet of the night, but sometimes I hope that I eventually turn into the kind of person for whom a sunrise is normal and not something that signals that I'm up a few hours too late. Balancing those numbers out would be good.

For now though, the rare days I'm up before sunrise are unique moments to be treasured. Like Monday, when I was camping out at the farm, and the heater went out, and blankets were insufficient, and I just had to get up early (-ish, sun doesn't come up until 9 in the valley this time of year), and stumble down to the big house for hot cocoa to warm up. And got to see the frost turn to clouds as the morning sun crept across the yard. Such a morning makes me feel so intensely alive.