Using a separate process for each web page and each component has been something I've always wanted a web browser to do. It's so conceptually clean and has such nice properties, and processes are so cheap in linux. Hats off to the people who made that a reality.

On the other hand, I'm guessing that chrome's guts will be tied into the google backend services so tightly that you can't really tell where the one stops and the other begins. Since I'm not interested in being a sharecropper, and would prefer to see people empowered with services they control, I have worries.

It's easy to forget how much of the modern browser's er ... chrome ... is based on web services that could change, go away, or be DNS hijacked at any time. I'd like to see a web proxy that takes all traffic to * and rot-13's it, to demonstrate how many things rely on this one company.