
I fought with xterm for a while tonight and seem to have found a utf-8 setup for xterm that is acceptable. Which is to say, it's completely undistinguishable from my old non-utf-8 setup unless I view utf-8 documents. Last time I tried this, about a year ago, it mostly worked, but I found strange display atrifacts in xterm. That seems to be resolved, the only thing I'm really lacking now is a 15 point double width font so I can display CJK and similar languages in my "large" xterms without changing to a font other than the one I'm used to. Since I don't read those languages anyway, this is not a priority.

I guess this means I will begin leaking random unnecessary globs of utf-8 into various documents and annoy anyone who hasn't switched to utf-8 yet, much as I was annoyed into making the switch. On the other hand maybe Colin won't have to clean up my changelogs after me anymore.