YA desktop install

My Dad came up for the weekend so I could replace his virus-ridden windows system with Debian. I was worried about the short time allowed, since I knew I'd have to find a usable modem, and get dialup conigured as well as word processing and a gui email program. It all came together, d-i got Debian on there with dual booting with windows and a full desktop within the first hour, then I set up sylphead and did some minor tweaking and was nearly done. The next day we upgraded the memory and got an external modem. I discovered that my VOIP cannot support a modem connection well -- I just don't have enough outgoing bandwidth. Dialup over VOIP is the strangest protocol layering I've ever done.

Today I sshed into the box and set up CUPS (and hpoj) for printing. This was impressively easy, even remotely over a dialup line with no feedback available. First thing I heard was "it printed a test page".

This stuff is getting too easy..