I used to post diary entries here, didn't I? Advogato needs a tool to export diary entries to mbox format or something. RSS would do. Too lazy to use XML-RPC.

I'm thinking about buying a openbrick to use as an access point and base station. It seems that these days I need three computers to do any work: there's the server off in a co-lo somethere, the laptop, and a local headless system I can connect to wirelessly to offload work from the laptop. My current 486 access point is not really cutting it in this third position, so the need for something a little bit smaller with no moving parts. Openbrick as about right, and a system this linux friendly and open is refeshing. Why couldn't VA have went this direction -- sigh.

Lots of work on mooix lately. I wrote my first XS module yesterday; dealt with my first ABI-incompatability-in-a-single source tree today. Blegh.