
I suspect that I frustrated some readers who expected to hear a little more about Brazil in my blog, and didn't. Sorry. And thanks to everyone who cheered me up after that low point entry during DebConf4. The rest of the conf was fun.

So back home, and with the nasty cold I came home with sorta controlled by assorted medication, I'm free to type banal bits into the screen again.

Yesterday featured 15 hours of sleep -- as always I wish I could sleep on moving vehicles -- and other than that, well, I checked my email, recovered my gpg key (yay!), typed "upload" a few times on various packages, and I finished Stephenson's Confusion. Which I recommend if you're planning a trip involving 13 plane flights on 4 airlines over 2 hemispheres, but otherwise is merely something for a rainy week. So today was suprisingly busy: I got into town, mowed the lawn, did bills, bought a bed, tested skolelinux images, wrote a proposal (of which more later), failed to find a cheap computer locally without a bundled monitor, wrote two weeks of backlogged reports, fixed the i386 daily builds and almost caught back up on d-i, and more.

The overwhelming impression back up here, besides the standard weirdness of being back in America, is that the leaves are wet. And there are a huge lush burgeoning lot of them. We know Brazil for having a big rainforest in it, and forget that there's so much else there. It seems that while I was there I forgot how amazing an Appalachian summer can be.