hi joey!

as simple, non-technical, debian user, who has been reading your blog, on and off, for quite a while, and somehow respects you from what you write there, i just found your entry and respond to your "please help" - just in case it

a) was meant in earnest and

b) you did not happen to solve it in the meantime.


as far as i can see what you describe is no "add" - it's simple overload.

when i try to do too much, esp. everything at the same time, i start forgetting what i wanted to do in the first place, too. you yourself say it: "It's insanity, living life in little slices like this."

exactly - it is insane. remedy? stop doing it.

looking at your list, there are a few points which you could definitely cut out immediately ... if i tried to do the same thing as you, i'd be in the madhouse already.

e.g. - i can't do something and really listen to music at the same time, i find it quite distracting. as far as i know it is not common knowledge that napoleon, who allegedly could do 4 things at the same time, was not an ideal to be aspired to, but a - very - sick man. (just look at the results of his "great" career ...) the way natural is to do one thing at the time, and then the next thing, and so on. as long as one is young and has a lot of energy, the organism is quite forgiving of faults, because it is able to compensate for them up o a point - but a wrong approach remains a wrong approach, and the compensation of the resulting negative effects takes away energy; energy, which could be used for one's creativity instead. of course once you get older and your physical energy starts getting less, you start to notice the loss; but we are so full of different (and mostly wrong) ideas how we have to be, that we hardly are able to make the right connections between cause and effect.

maybe if you consider your "problem" from this point of view and try a slightly different approach, you'll be able to see the results for yourself.

best wishes to you in any case!