The way .ssh/authorized_keys is typically used is not secure. Because using it securely is hard, and dumping in passwordless ssh keys is easy. I spent about 5 hours today locking down my authorized_keys.


The only easy case is a rsync of a single directory. Follow these good instructions.

If you need to rsync multiple separate directories, it's easy to find several documents involving a Do not use, it is insecure -- it allows rsync to be run with any parameters. Including parameters that allow the remote system to rsync in a new ~/.ssh/authorized_keys. Oops. (You can probably also trick into running other arbitrary commands.) To be secure, you have to check the rsync parameters against some form of whitelist.


Locking down git should be easy. Use git-shell.

Unless you also want to be able to log in to an interactive shell on the same account. To do that, you'll need to generate a separate ssh key for git. Both git servers I use are named git.*, so I set it up like this in ~/.ssh/config on the client:

Host git.*
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa.git

Then on the server, I added the key to authorized_keys, prefixed with this:

command="perl -e 'exec qw(git-shell -c), $ENV{SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND}'"

(I also tried the simpler command="git-shell -c $SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND"; but it didn't work with alioth's old version of openssh, and I didn't want to worry about exposing SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND to the shell.)

Before arriving at that, I took a detour to using gitosis. It can make it impressively easy to manage locked down git over ssh, but you have to fit how it does things. Including repository layout, and a dedicated account. So I spent several hours changing my git repo layout. In the end, I decided gitosis was too complicated and limiting for what I needed, but I do recommend checking it out.


Like git, this is fairly easy, since svn provides svnserve. The svnbook documents how to use it in .authroized_keys. Basically, just use

command="svnserve -t"

A similar approach as used for git can be used here if you want to have a dedicated ssh key that causes svnserve to be run.

d-i daily builds

d-i has a d-i-unpack-helper that can be put in authorized_keys.


Can probably be locked down similarly to rsync, but I haven't tried yet.


The only way seems to not use duplicity over ssh at all, and instead use a different transport.

too hard

What if you want to allow locked down git, and a rsync, and maybe unison too, all to the same account? You'll end up with some nasty mismash of all of the above, and there are plenty more things using ssh as a transport that need other techniques to lock them down.

Until this becomes easier, a majority will just dump passwordless ssh keys in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys, creating exploitable trust paths that don't need to exist.
