I love this game.

Love that it's so abstract and beautiful and meditative.

Love how it plays with fractal scale. Am I a planet or a unicelled organism?

Love that this basic game idea could have been written at any point since Spacewar (1961), and could be said to be recycling ideas from everything from that to Pac Man ... but instead seems entirely new, pure, and fresh.

Love that I can be playing it and it makes me think about things right out of a Greg Egan novel. Like about how it's most efficient for conciousness to be slow and not care about the passage of time. So you don't have to waste much mass on delta-v. Until carnivorous life enters the picture. Then you have to be bold, and fast.

Love that it has a linux port.

Love that it's hard.

A screenshot can't do it justice -- the video on its site gives a better idea.