I've been looking at netbooks, since indications are that my laptop's hard drive will die again soon, and that its LCD may follow.

I can't seem to find any netbook with a resolution better than 1024x600. I'm used to 1280x768; dropping down will be a real shame, but seems unavoidable.

I'm very interested in a machine with no moving parts. So far the only one I've found is the Dell Inspiron Mini 9, which has passive cooling, so no fan, and of course uses a SSD. I'm not completly sold on it though -- its battery is only a 4 cell; its wifi may not be well supported.

The Eee 901 is attractive due to its battery, but has a fan. I'm very noise sensative these days, and the fan would have to be whisper quiet to be acceptable. And even then I think it would annoy me. (Even quiet laptop hard drives annoy me.)

All in all, I wish I could wait another 6 months to a year and see if the next generation improves any. OTOH, I could buy both of these for less than the price of my current laptop.
