Have you ever chewed over a problem a user was having on IRC or mail for hours, trying to narrow it down? And then, finally figured out how to reproduce it locally, and solved the bug in minutes?

I hate that. Sometimes getting to the reproduction point can require getting a ssh account on a machine with the problem, with all the pain of dealing with an account, and passwords or keys, and etc.

So I was thinking, it would be nice if there were a way you could ask, "Hey, can I type into your console for a few minutes?"

All it would take is a program that they can run, that generates a one-time password, that lets you into a screen -x session. So they can see what you're doing, and hit the panic button ("screen -D") if you start typing "rm .." :-)

Well, I guess I have a project for this evening. Though many people might be reluctant to install it.
