announcing debug-me

Today I'm excited to release debug-me, a program for secure remote debugging.

Debugging a problem over email/irc/BTS is slow, tedious, and hard. The developer needs to see your problem to understand it. Debug-me aims to make debugging fast, fun, and easy, by letting the developer access your computer remotely, so they can immediately see and interact with the problem. Making your problem their problem gets it fixed fast.

debug-me session is logged and signed with the developer's GnuPG key, producing a chain of evidence of what they saw and what they did. So the developer's good reputation is leveraged to make debug-me secure.

I've recorded a short screencast demoing debug-me.

And here's a screencast about debug-me's chain of evidence.

The idea for debug-me came from Re: Debugging over email, and then my Patreon supporters picked debug-me in a poll as a project I should work on. It's been a fun month, designing the evidence chain, building a custom efficient protocol with space saving hacks, using websockets and protocol buffers and ed25519 for the first time, and messing around with low-level tty details. The details of debug-me's development are in my devblog.

Anyway, I hope debug-me makes debugging less of a tedious back and forth, at least some of the time.

PS: Since debug-me's protocol lets multiple people view the same shell session, and optionally interact with it, there could be uses for it beyond debugging, including live screencasting, pair programming, etc.

PPS: There needs to be a debug-me server not run by me, so someone please run one..
