This wiki contains 2174 pages, of which 1328 pages are blog entries and 138 are Discussion pages.
It has a license, if you care about that sort of thing.
And yeah, it's a wiki, but only Joey can edit it directly. However, you can
clone its git repo from git://
and make changes and
even send me patches!
Broken links:
- ?7drl from 7drl 2015 day 1 groundwork, 7drl 2015 day 2 level generation and game concept, 7drl 2015 day 3 movement at last, 7drl 2015 day 4 coding through exhaustion, 7drl 2015 day 5 type directed spell system development, 7drl 2015 day 6 must add more, 7drl 2015 day 7 scroll success
- ?rant from, anatomy of an atrocious announcement, issues with openmicroblogging, on localization and progress, the popcon problem
- ?diy from DIY professional grade solar panel installation, getting to know my batteries
- ?DIY from DIY solar upgrade complete-ish, PV array is hot
- ?debconf from DebCamp origin story, DebConf10 in the neghborhood, summer trips wrapup
- ?nyc from DebConf10 in the neghborhood
- ?vote from I voted
- ?freesoftware from I work for The Internet now
- ?experiment from JEST results
- ?movie from MovieOS credit
- ?privacy from Palm Pre privacy
- ?cave from Stand by the grey stone when the thrush knocks
- ?arg from The Lost Ring, secret code, secret code update
- ?meme from The Top Ten Unix Shell Commands
- ?story from a hairy tale
- ?palm from Palm Pre privacy, a tempest in a teapot
- ?crazy from a wiki on gopher
- ?retro from a wiki on gopher
- ?business from announcing Branchable
- ?announcement from announcing
- ?europe from arrival at DebConf, from the convoy
- ?travel from arrival at DebConf, california postcard, from the convoy, summer trips wrapup
- ?fun from boxes
- ?webapp from build a dynamic webapp in Yesod in just three days
- ?yesod from build a dynamic webapp in Yesod in just three days
- ?beach from california postcard
- ?california from california postcard
- ?cow from california postcard
- ?cloud from case study: adding support to git-annex
- ?consulting from case study: adding support to git-annex
- ?google from dadagoogoo
- ?markov from dadagoogoo
- ?play from dadagoogoo
- ?debian from DebConf10 in the neghborhood, debian desktop via vnc on the palm pre, palm pre, ssh to debian chroot on palm pre
- ?dogfood from dogfooding at Branchable
- ?bike from electic bike
- ?archive from announcing, ephemera vs the law
- ?law from ephemera vs the law
- ?BenHutchings from discussion
- ?insanity from from the convoy
- ?battery from getting to know my batteries
- ?energy from getting to know my batteries
- ?ghc from ghc threaded runtime gotchas
- ?threads from ghc threaded runtime gotchas
- ?git-annex from chop chop, git-annex-assistant milestone
- ?kickstarter from I work for The Internet now, git-annex-assistant milestone
- ?recipe from Southern borscht, high summer omelette
- ?anarcat from discussion
- ?linux from howto create your own time zone
- ?chickens from leap day
- ?gift from leap day
- ?harmonica from learning blues harmonica
- ?unfinished from dark links, living in the past, on joining
- ?essay from local rsync accelerator
- ?writing from merge conflict
- ?ikiwiki swarm.avi from discussion
- ?monad from new year
- ?family from old photos, too cute not to blog
- ?coding from on not coding late
- ?games from pears and pets
- ?design from cdbs killer (design phase), presenting kaxxt on ice
- ?game from presenting kaxxt on ice, swarmnation story
- ?reply from purging old debconf values
- ?JonDowland from discussion, discussion, discussion
- ?tip from random tip: per-port naming for identical USB devices, random tip redirecting alsa to usb sound card
- ?hike from roan balds
- ?local from AT blogs, Barack in Bristol, Obama in Bristol, roan balds, yay, rising applachia
- ?photo from roan balds
- ?SF from southern fried science fiction with plum sauce
- ?food from southern fried science fiction with plum sauce
- ?computer from the Engelbart demo
- ?history from the Engelbart demo
- ?alien-tech from the beautiful creations of Theo Jansen
- ?garden from home at last, the carrot that time forgot
- ?usenet from announcing, the end of the exhibit
- ?delitionism from the popcon problem
- ?braindump from build a dynamic webapp in Yesod in just three days, three thousand lines of Haskell
- ?film from The Man from Earth, two films
- ?review from The Man from Earth, electic bike, two films
- ?programming from watch me code for half an hour
- ?unsilo from website backup RFC
- ?branchable from dogfooding at Branchable, weird git tricks
- ?books from wherein I read too much
- ?reading from wherein I read too much
- ?EvanProdromou from discussion
- ?xmonad from xmonad layouts for netbooks
- ?live from yay, rising applachia
- ?old.mdwn from kodama
- ?assistant from git-annex assistant introduction
- ?githome from vcshome